lust for good

marketing + creative

lust for good

digital mktg + creative: about


about us

full stack digital mtkg for businesses with a social mission

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to grow your business while making a social impact, we’re here to help.

Our members thrive as we take a holistic approach to best help them achieve their business’s goals. 

Join us today, become a part of a supportive community of businesses making a difference in the world and let’s us help you achieve your brand’s highest self.

lust for good

/ intense desire
/ purpose
/ benevolent work—ethical + socially responsible​

be the change

Lust For Good mission is to help socially-responsible businesses through optimized ethical marketing practices.

Ethical marketing refers to the practice of conducting marketing activities in a responsible and transparent manner that is respectful of consumers, stakeholders, and society as a whole. It involves being honest and transparent in advertising and marketing communications, treating customers and employees with respect and fairness, and considering the social and environmental impact of marketing decisions.

Some key principles of ethical marketing include:


Marketing messages should be honest and accurate, and should not mislead or deceive consumers.


Marketing practices should be fair and equitable, and should not exploit or discriminate against any group.


Marketing efforts should show respect for consumers and their intelligence, and should not use manipulative or harassing tactics.


Marketers should take responsibility for the impact of their actions on society and the environment, and should strive to create positive social and environmental change.